

Reading for leisure: a forgotten virtue

Nothing else than the cliche”A book is the best friend one can have in life”better explains the importance reading has in one’s life.As the famous Assamese author Homen Borgohain puts it,”when every other person deserts you, it’s books that still…


The true essence of love: Beyond words and expectations

In this age of emojis and instant availability on WhatsApp, bombarding someone with messages declaring love has become so easy. Saying “I love you” to someone comes so thoughtlessly. I would argue that not many who say “I love you”…


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A learned man instructs his disciples that they respond to any humiliation only the next day. Disciples start following this instruction religiously. After this, there are multiple instances where the disciples are humiliated and abused but there is no single…


The power of humility: Examining the impact of gentle behavior and overcoming ego

We all know of the Indian tradition of bowing down and touching feet of elders and Gurus. Some Hindus touch the feet of their elders and take their blessings every day. Others bow down occasionally during festivals, family functions and…


Are you guilty, girl?

Are you guilty? You burnt your dreams on fire, Just for your family’s reputation to sire, I ask you, a girl? From your childhood you’ve been taught, Girls maintain family & things only men bought. From the day you got your first…


Nirvana – What is its meaning in Eastern Religions

What is Nirvana? The literal meaning of Nirvana is freedom or liberation. Although this English meaning is only a direct translation, when looked at from a spiritual context, it has a much deeper meaning. In the eastern religions, majorly in…


Happiness is here

“If the Universe was to grant you only one wish, what would you desire?”, Maya asked excitedly. “If it’s only one thing that I can ask for, then I would want to be happy always”, replied Nitya in a poised…

Don’t know what to say or how to support a friend with cancer?

Cancer continues to have a major impact on the lives of Australians. With 1 in 2 people affected by cancer in their lives, you’re going to know someone with cancer in your lifetime too. Worried you may say the wrong thing or…

How you can help prevent suicide

Each year, more than 65,000 Australians attempt to take their own life. More than 3,000 die by suicide — about 8 people every day. While suicide accounts for a small proportion of all deaths in Australia, young people are more likely to…

Why it’s time to get your walking boots back on

Thanks to several lockdowns, some of us clocked more steps than we could imagine (even if we only wandered a few kilometres from home). With life kind of back to normal and routines readjusted, it’s not surprising if you’ve found…