Month: February 2024

7 facts about Americans’ views of money in politics

Widespread dissatisfaction with the role of money in American politics is one of the many themes in Pew Research Center’s recent report on Americans’ dismal views of the nation’s political landscape. Large shares of the public see political campaigns as…

The Data on Women Leaders

As women’s representation in U.S. politics has grown, 53% of Americans say there are still too few women in high political office in the United States, and many see significant obstacles for women candidates. Our 2023 report on women leaders…

Women and Political Leadership Ahead of the 2024 Election

For the most part, Americans don’t think a woman president would do better or worse than a man when it comes to key leadership traits or the handling of various policy areas. At the same time, the public sees differences…

Americans’ Dismal Views of the Nation’s Politics

Americans have long been critical of politicians and skeptical of the federal government. But today, Americans’ views of politics and elected officials are unrelentingly negative, with little hope of improvement on the horizon. Majorities say the political process is dominated…

Americans More Upbeat on the Economy; Biden’s Job Rating Remains Very Low

Americans’ views of the nation’s economy – while mostly stagnant for the past few years – are showing signs of improvement. Slightly more than a quarter (28%) rate economic conditions as excellent or good, a 9 percentage point increase from…

Positive Impact of Protestant Missionaries

Are Christian missionaries harmful or helpful? The research of Dr. Robert Woodberry has found that Protestant missionaries have had significant positive impacts. One example of this is the 19th-century missionary, John Mackenzie, who helped blacks in South Africa protect their…

Pastor Comments on Christians in Politics

The heated political discourse found in many countries is often affected by religious voices who seek to drive the conversation in one direction or the other. In some countries, such as the United States, Christians form a significant portion of…

The 6 Most Common Running Injuries & How to Prevent Them

With everything it takes to keep up with an exercise routine, the last thing you need is for a running injury to throw a wrench in your plans. “Running injuries are typically joint issues that arise in the lower extremities,”…

5 Benefits of Pilates That Might Convince You to Add It to Your Workout Regimen

Chances are you know someone who does Pilates or you have at least heard of it. Still, you might not be totally sure what it is and how it might benefit your health and fitness. Interestingly, Pilates wasn’t initially created…

How Hill Training Can Make You a Better Runner (Plus, Tips for Getting Started)

Most runners try to avoid hills. Logging miles on flat land is challenging enough. But hill training can benefit any runner, especially endurance runners training for a race or marathon. “Don’t be afraid of hills, they’re great for training and…